vineri, 11 februarie 2011

Please me, happiness is for nothing

Figuring out the mystery of boredom, how can one get to be bored. I dare to believe that only boring people get bored, only they don't really find themselves boring in the first place. Do you need the faculty of thought in order to not get bored? Or should you only belong to a higher social condition to afford it?
My humble beliefs whisper to me that life was manufactured in a far too original way to allow boredom's interference. So why do others get bored? To conclude with, my answer lays in the shape of a question, who cares if there is any one complaining about them being bored.

joi, 23 septembrie 2010

Change happens

Vizualizare hartă mărită

We need it to improve our lifestyle and perspectives, we have to use it in order to reach our goals and determine ourselves grow, we benefit from its positive chances to give meaning to all our actions and our existence, it helps us persuade our dreams, it allows us to win better knowledge of ourselves and the world we live in, it eases access to eternity ... then, if it seems so lucrative why does it hurt so much, why do we need to cry first in order to really understand the meaning of a smile, why do we need to loose so that we can truly appreciate what we have already won, why do we need to bare so much for us to be aware of our happiness. I've started hating change so hard that the stillness of death has gained sense. There is no point in suffering, we don't exactly need to experience the impact of a fall to actually know what the great things in life are. We only need to let go of the hatred.

duminică, 8 august 2010

Esti o persoana care face ce vrea el

I reserve the right to make use of my own way of linguistic self expression and I therefore state that when you are aware of one's gender you should attach the specific pronoun wether the noun generally describes a feminine word; in a specific situation you should asign the pronoun coresponding to the actual individual. With this I pledge my case.

luni, 2 august 2010

duminică, 25 iulie 2010

Dead and gone

Is it grief, is it pain, is it terror ... For no reason, not any obvious in any case, I got to see only terrifying images of this long trip we call life. It could have been worse, but right now it's like there's no support. It's like everything I was standing on just collapsed and now I get to find myself suspended in grief, pain ... or at least an illusion of them two. Which way is out? That's kinda easy to acknowledge. Take a real case as an example and say, what would you do in the situation of your beloved one would be treating you like , let's say, shit. My advice, and the best thing to do and the right thing as well is to ... run, run as far and fast as you can, never ever let him back in your life. Monsters can't change, they feed on other people's fear and tears, especially of those who care for them, because they know those loved ones are going to always be there for them, feeding their lust for harm, their selfish cruelty, their permanent will to do wrong.

There's nothing you can do to help them. Human nature is not something one can easily control. They feel pleasure when making others fall and suffer. It's more like a disease, a malfunction. They cannot control it. And most of them don't even want to ask for help.

I've seen a clip where there was a debate about the sadistic people. They have something not working right in their nervous system and because of that they feel pleasure when they see open wounds and other people bleeding. The pleasure is so strong in those moments that they can even get overexcited. They are not guilty of their illness. But they are definitely responsible of feeding it and not seeking support and guidance to overcome it. As far as the psychological harm is involved, nobody talks about sadism. Specialists only draw attention on those who feel pleasure for the physical pain, but nobody says anything about those feeling pleased on the emotional pain of others.

And there's a reason to it. Psychologically sadistic people can seem like normal ones. They can work normally in any domain, they can socialize, they can do chores, routine, act normal. Only that, once you get to know them better you discover the monster watching from the inside, the cold look and lack of expression. One way to track down such traits before is too late consists of paying attention to their way of manifesting emotions, feelings, and opinions. You'll feel the cold in their emotions, they are not able to care for anybody, even if they pretend they do. They usually put a great accent on intimacy, privacy, they keep secret parts of their life and memories, they don't enjoy showing too much of themselves. They find it hard to say how they feel, because they have no explanation for NOT feeling anything. When you cry, you will never feel warmness coming from them, even if they try to show empathy, if won't try to fool yourself you will feel the cold, the lack of any deeper emotion.

And in the same time they find it almost impossible to give arguments or make up opinions. They only guide themselves by instinct, and are not able to coherently explain how they choose their actions.

So when you see or discover such an individual, run as hell and never look back. No matter what, no matter if you feel pity for them, or if you feel sorry for their condition. Your presence will only feed their greed.

miercuri, 16 iunie 2010

Friend or foe

I need someone to confess to, my soul is shouting back at me and i have no possibility to let it free. the pressure keeps rising and my thoughts just seek for a way out. where am i suppose to find all that? that one individual who is not interested in judging me or imposing his advice. i only need him to listen and understand. far from wanting to be approved, what would really mean the world to me is to be understood.

this way i won't have to find myself crying and reading things like "I don't know who you are, or why you are reading this page. I only know that for the moment, you're reading it, and that is good. I can assume that you are here because you are troubled and considering ending your life. If it were possible, I would prefer to be there with you at this moment, to sit with you and talk, face to face and heart to heart. But since that is not possible, we will have to make do with this. etc"